24420 Chestertown Road
Chestertown MD 21620
Please be sure to have an appointment before coming, we are not a public facility
Below you will find directions to Victory Farm, home of Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue and Belle Rose Kennels. Please consult a map before proceeding, you also can put the address into GoogleMaps, Wayze, GPS, or other direction finder and will get accurate directions to the main drive, following the directions below to the parking area.
Directions from Route 95 south
(Philadelphia, Wilmington)
Take 95S to Route 1 S. Follow Route 1 to Exit 136, Odessa/US13. Take the ramp RIGHT to Middletown. Follow to 301S. Follow into Maryland to the first exit for Galena, RT290. At the bottom of the exit, make a right and follow to the first traffic light, about 5-10 minutes. Follow straight through the light, the RT is now 213S. Follow 213 to Chestertown, about 20 minutes. Make a right at 291(the THIRD traffic light!). Follow 291 to the T and make a right onto RT 20. Travel about 2 miles, you will see a large white home on the right, set very close to the road. Immediately following, you will see a line of Cypress trees and another white home set back from the road. Farm sign says Victory Farm, drive past my main drive to the corner, make a right onto Stockton Startt Road. A few hundred yards past the turn, you will see a drive on your right . This area is NOT fenced; please keep an eye on your dogs when walking.
Please do not block driveway or other cars when parking.
Travel time from RT 1 is approximately 50 minutes.
Directions from Elkton, Maryland (Route 213)
(Northern Maryland, Southern or western PA)
Follow 213S from Elkton towards Cecilton. Travel through Cecilton to Galena and make a right at the traffic light in Galena. You are still on 213S. Follow 213 to Chestertown, about 20 minutes. Make a right at 291(the THIRD traffic light!). Follow 291 to the T and make a right onto RT 20. Travel about 2 miles, you will see a large white home on the right, set very close to the road. Immediately following, you will see a line of Cypress trees and another white home set back from the road. Farm sign says Victory Farm, drive past my main drive to the corner, make a right onto Stockton Startt Road. A few hundred yards past the turn, you will see a drive on your right. This area is NOT fenced; please keep an eye on your dogs when walking.
Please do not block driveway or other cars when parking.
Travel time from Elkton is approximately 50 minutes.
Directions from 301/50
(Annapolis, Baltimore, Washington DC)
Follow 301/50 over the Bay Bridge to Kent Island. Follow 301/50 to the split, taking 301N (Wilmington).
Pass the outlets on your right, travel another 5 minutes or so to RT 213N to Centerville (second exit for 213).
Follow 213N through Centerville to Chestertown (about 20 minutes). Cross the Chester River Bridge into Chestertown. At the fifth traffic light (RT 291) make a left. Follow 291 to the T and make a right onto RT 20. Travel about 2 miles, you will see a large white home on the right, set very close to the road. Immediately following, you will see a line of Cypress trees and another white home set back from the road. Farm sign says Victory Farm, drive past my main drive to the corner, make a right onto Stockton Startt Road. A few hundred yards past the turn, you will see a drive on your right. This area is NOT fenced; please keep an eye on your dogs when walking.
Please do not block driveway or other cars when parking.
Travel time from the bridge is approximately 50 minutes.
Printable directions Here!